Happy International Mojito Day! (Yes, it’s a thing.) To celebrate this classic Cuban bev, we tapped the rum-experts over at Bacardi for their ultimate, never-waste-your-time-with-another recipe for the mintiest cocktail of them all. 


Classic Mojito

2oz Gran Reserva Maestro

½ fresh lime cut into quarters

12 fresh mint leaves

2 heaped tsp fine white sugar

Soda water


Place the lime segments in a tall glass.

Add the sugar and muddle gently to release the lime juice.

Clap the mint in your hands and drop into the glass (do not muddle).

Fill the glass to the top with crushed ice.

Add Gran Reserva Maestro and soda.

Stir well with a bar spoon to release limes and sugar from the bottom.

Top up with more crushed ice.

Garnish with a healthy bouquet of mint.