Following the recent reign of the “boy brow,” popularized by model Cara Delevingne, our brow ambitions are entering the era of the “geolift,” says New York eyebrow expert Joey Healy. Coined by Healy himself, the term—a portmanteau of “geometry” and “lift”—is a perfect description of the eyebrow shape being sported by stars like Lily Collins and Zendaya. “Geolift brows are full and fringey in the front, but they have a clear line that has a lot of lift in the arch and tail,” explains Healy. “The boy brow is a little less refined, whereas the geolift has a cleaner line underneath. It really is the perfect marriage between the elegance of a very structured brow and the flirty fringey-ness of the boy brow.” Structured and symmetrical, it brings out the eyes (a must in the era of mask-wearing) and looks good on just about everyone. “If you have skinny brows, opt for a serum to get them a bit fuller and use a tinted brow gel to add more volume,” he says. “If you have fuller brows, you have a great starting point to create a more structured look. Then finish off with a clear brow gel.” To fill in sparse brows, draw a few extra hairs using a fine-tipped brow pencil or pen in a shade that’s close to your hair colour. The final touch? Blend a little illuminator under the brow arch to accentuate the lift.

Glossier Brow Flick

Price: $35


Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Freeze Styling Wax

Price: $30


BrowFood Phyto-Medic Eyebrow Enhancer

Price: $119
